Ми допоможемо Вам знайти найдешевші авіаквитки в будь-які міста та країни!
The idea of creation Infotec Ltd appeared in distant 1989 and united the group of very talented professional programmers, having by that time pick-a-back enormous experience of development and implementation a lot of complex programms and systems in power industry of former Soviet Union.
In the membership of new enterprise were included the best specialists of the Main informative computer center of Energy Ministry of Ukraine, including departments on development of the Regional system the teaching and training of personnel of energy of Ukraine (Viktor Gurieiev), perspective development and application of facilities of the computing engineering and diagnostics of equipment of power enterprises of Ukraine .
On very short time a leasing enterprise was led by Valeriy Polischuk.
To this time our programs successfully worked on many energy enterprises of Energy Ministry of the USSR from Lviv to Far East.
Then we planned to create and organize the mass production of modern automation devices of substations and on this base afterwards to form hierarchical control system of any degree of complication for the decision of complete spectrum of electroenergy tasks, including the account of electric energy, analysis of her quality, registration of emergency situations, diagnostics of equipment, teaching and training of operatively-controller's personnel.